Cikal Main-Main Rumah Main Cikal Bandung

Cikal Main-Main  Rumah Main Cikal Bandung
Date : 8 Feb 2020
Venue : Rumah Main Cikal Bandung

Dear Papa Mama, 

We are pleased to inform you that Cikal Main-Main will be held again in Rumah Main Cikal Bandung! Yeay! 

What is Cikal Main-Main?

Cikal Main-Main is an open event running by Rumah Main Cikal that will be held on Saturday, February 8th, 2020. This event will be fulfilled by many fun activities leading by Rumah Main Cikal Bandung Teachers.

So, Papa Mama and Adik-Adik are able to feel the warmth and the fascinating  learning experience in Rumah Main Cikal with your children on the weekend. 

We have already chosen the special theme for Adik-adik, starting from the age of 10 months to 24 months. What is that? That will be "Bermain di Peternakan", Yeay!  Hereby, Adik-adik can explore the art of living and playing in the farm.  It must be fun! 

We know that you have been waiting for this, Papa, Mama. Do not miss it !

Let's join our event Cikal Main-Main by registering on this 

See you Papa, Mama!