High Price Of Petrol Makes Oil Precious By Arjuna Khalifa Nabihan, Year 5, Sekolah Cikal

High Price Of Petrol Makes Oil Precious By Arjuna Khalifa Nabihan, Year 5, Sekolah Cikal

Reading Time: 2 minutes, 12 seconds

The global issue of petrol

News: Petrol oil is a type of oil commonly used as fuel. We need petrol oil to fuel up our vehicle. Without petrol oil, things might get difficult. The price of the oil is just normal and affordable making it a reliable source of fuel. Things change when Russia invaded Ukraine, petrol oil and gas had their prices flying up to the sky. The significant changes caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a problem across the world. Since Russia is one of the biggest oil producers, and with an invasion happening in this really second makes the delivery process of the oil from Russia to the other country is difficult making the prices fly and even breaking the record. Caption: In the UK, petrol prices increase and hit the record of 167 pence. Compared to the price in 2015 which is 81.61 pence a litre. A strike happened in Mexico complaining about the high gasoline prices that are not affordable for the citizens. Not only in Mexico, the same thing also happened in India with the same cause too.

From the World Petrol Price, the petrol price in Hong Kong is the most expensive one. One litre of oil is around 2.800 dollars which is a whopping 41254. 64 in Indonesian rupiah. Based on an article from the BBC, Russia is one of the most reliable oil producers in the world. But it’s invasion to Ukraine is threatening the oil industry in their country. Based an article from the Express.uk, the petrol price increase and there are many strikes of protest in Indonesia and India happening.

From the article in Economic Times, the problem with the high price also cause poverty and other financial issues. The petrol price keeps increasing which troubles our daily life. “ I don’t see anything that’s going to happen in the meantime that’s going to significantly reduce gas prices. I must tell you, I don’t have a meantime answer.” said the president of America, Joe Biden. The people hope that the governors can work on these economical issues quickly. The petrol is indeed still useable but the price makes it a problem. But, society still hopes that this will be changed as quick as possible. However, the governors have not found a solution yet. But the society keeps hoping that the governor has found a solution to the issue.

“I don’t see anything that’s going to happen in the meantime that’s going to significantly reduce gas prices. I must tell you, I don’t have a meantime answer.”

The president of America, Joe Biden.

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